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5 Startup Lies You Have Been Told

Before you go into business, please, don't fall for the 5 Fatal Lies:

  • LIE 1: You can do it yourself.

  • TRUTH: No. You cannot. At the end of the day, you need someone to vent to. Someone to learn from. Someone to support you.

  • God blessed me with an amazing husband and an amazing family. If I could not call my mom for business advice or lay on the couch asking my husband his opinion on one million things, I would explode.

  • ADVICE: Find someone who you can use as a sounding board for your ideas, someone who can advise/coach you, and someone who honestly has your best interest at heart. You need different people for different things so when the going gets tough, you do not quit.

  • LIE 2: Going into business means that you will have loads of free time.

  • TRUTH: If you truly want to be successful, free time really will not exist anymore. You will eat, sleep, shower, and drive your business.

  • ADVICE: You must be able to manage your time. Your loved ones should not suffer because you cannot manage your time. Schedule your work time and stick to it. Schedule your 'free' time and stick to that as well.

  • LIE 3: You have everything it takes!

  • TRUTH: Being in business means that you must constantly grow, develop, and learn. The world of business is not what it was 50 years ago and it certainly will continue to develop.

  • ADVICE: You should take classes with people better than you at something or have been in the industry longer than you etc to constantly improve yourself. Could you be better at marketing? What about sales? Social media? Stop ignoring your weaknesses and make them into your strengths.

  • LIE 4: You will make millions.

  • TRUTH: You may, but certainly not right away.

  • ADVICE: You will constantly need to reassess what you're doing. You will also, most likely, see more months in the red than in the black. Make sure you are ready for some difficult months - do not go out and buy that new house or car just yet.

  • LIE 5: Do not change what you are doing.

  • TRUTH: My father always says "you need more customers for your products and more products for your customers".

  • ADVICE: Your business should be constantly evolving. You should constantly be thinking about what else your customers need and work on giving it to them. Don't hold yourself back just because it was not in your original 'business plan' to do it. Do not be afraid to grow.


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I'm a 26 year-old entrepreneur helping others Be Victorious in all that they do. Click "About" to find out more.

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